[AtCoder]diverta 2019 Programming Contest C-AB Substrings





n = int(input())
both = 0
a_end = 0
b_start = 0

answer = 0
for i in range(n):
    s = str(input())
    answer += s.count("AB")
    if s[0] == "B" and s[-1] == "A":
        both += 1
    elif s[0] == "B":
        b_start += 1
    elif s[-1] == "A":
        a_end += 1
if both > 1:
    answer += both-1
if both > 0 and a_end > 0:
    answer += 1
    a_end -= 1
if both > 0 and b_start > 0:
    answer += 1
    b_start -= 1
answer += min(a_end, b_start)


Submission #26668291 - diverta 2019 Programming Contest
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